Thursday, August 04, 2005

I am such an idiot

Ha ha ha I was talking about how I didn't need dh as much or maybe I was just thinking that. Well to start off with it was a long night last night. I went in to check on K at 10:30 last night before I went to bed. I have just been so beat this pregnancy I can't seem to ever not be tired. I am wondering if it is that borderline anemia they were talking about. I am trying to eat more iron but in general will be happy when they check it again today as I wish I could do something to feel better. But it is probably more that I have been single mommying it, working full time and have a normal 2 year old. But I digress. The part your are supposed to get from this is I am tired when I sleep well. So at 10:30 I foolishly wake K up. She had her legs through the crib slot and usually just moving them gently out works and she doesn't stir. Well it didn't work this time and she ended up being up for 2 hours. Worst was at the end I just let her CIO a little and fell asleep before she did - which is fine - she would wake me if she was still awake, her cries get loud enough I wouldn't miss them. But when that happens I fall alseep before she officially stops crying I wake up lots of time during the night wondering is she OK, did she stop crying because she had screamed loud and hard but I was too asleep to notice and finally dropped with exhaustion. Has she stopped breathing (honestly I don't worry about that so much anymore but when do you stop worrying when your kid was screaming bloody murder and stops that they might be dead rather then just asleep). So I didn't sleep well. Well I was going to sleep later and just get her to school and pick up something to eat on my way to work but at 6:30 I hear the beeping sound. I am like hmmm what is that. I actually look over and dh's side of the bed as if to say- hey you take care of this, this is your area. But he wasn't here. So I think well maybe it is the phone - I left the cordless off the jack and maybe it is beeping from that. I am still mostly asleep and walk out into the living room. Well that isn't it because it just dies when you do that it doesn't beep. Then I think well maybe it is the smoke alarm. Feeling a little like Phoebe on friends I stare at the smoke alarm waiting to see if it is beeping, not it is is the carbon monoxide alarm. I'm like shit - well it is probably just a low battery. Now how my daughter is sleeping through this I don't know because it is right outside her door. So I look at it trying to figure out how to take the batteries out. I push the reset button and it beeps with a red light saying get to fresh air. I am like holy shit what if we have carbon monoxide poisoning, worse this is right outside K's door and she is so much smaller then me. What could cause this? what do I do? She starts screaming because I have now made the thing beep about 100 times trying to fix it. Well at least she is conscious. I try to think - could I just get us dressed and leave it and let dh fix it when he gets home, that doesn't seem wise. Should I go stand out on the porch with my baby in my pj's hmmm it is probably the battery not necessary to do that. Should I call my aunt who lives down the street. Well she probably doesn't know anymore then I do and she is prone to panic by nature. Maybe call Scott- he is working and on call do you really want to bother him. Hell yeah - that seems to be the answer. So I go call his cell no answer and page him. I get Kaitlyn and we both look at the CO detector together- for the record K thinks this is the most fun adventure ever. I of course get the batteries out and it stops beeping right when dh calls me back. Poor guy remember the cordless is basically dead so I answer and say "I'm sorry.... " Phone goes dead. He freaks out but I have to go plug the non cordless one in because K is always playing with it so he called like twice before I got this done. K is laughing and having a blast and I of course feel like a fool since I figured the problem out. But is impossible not to laugh when she does. So he explains to me that yes it was the battery and that the monitor is actually tied to our electricity so it is still working even without batteries. Also he knows where the batteries are and if we had had a CO problem it would have gone off like an obnoxious fire alarm and I would have had no question about it. Very sweet and kind in face of a wife who paged him at 6:40 to laughed with his daughter about the CO monitor. He says "well if you are OK I'll get back to my patient now"

So I feel stupid and terrible that I took him away from a patient on his last day away. I am the woman who didn't page him when his daughter needed to go to the ER for IV fluids but I page him when our battery dies in the CO monitor. It is so odd I am usually so self sufficient. But I think no matter what when you are married for a while there are just things naturally one part of the couple takes over and the other has no idea what to do. The same happened to him. I do the bills and added extra security to our on line bank account. He tried to log in and ended up being kicked out because he didn't know how to get in. Like any good child at heart he doesn't tell me so when I go to log in to pay bills it tells me I can't have access since they locked our account since someone tried to hack in. I say "Sweetie did you try to log into our account unsuccessfully" Busted with no way out he admitted it. Oh you know I had to tell some Scott story to help redeem myself.

I can't believe on the last day I page him for nothing.

But hubby is on his way home right now and will meet me for said doctor's appt. I just need to figure out someway to get through the day at work with little to no sleep.

But K and I had a blast this morning we ate breakfast on the kitchen floor as a picnic - her favorite thing to do, with her sitting on my lap. We played and had fun which is all a new thing since she normally sleeps until I get her up and ready for school. So I guess it wasn't all bad.


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