The opposite of tantrums - the sweet moments
Living with a 3 year old is challenging so I figured I would share some of the sweet side.
Yesterday Kaitlyn got a haircut-

The guy wasn’t great with kids but she was a really trooper didn’t cry or anything so I was feeling pretty warm toward her and wanted to reward her. So we were going to the grocery store to get a free balloon. On the way we passed a florist - so I stopped to let her look in the window- she loves flowers and calls them butterflies. She saw some red roses and said “I want to get a butterfly for Daddy.” I resisted my urge to say no and instead thought how sweet and said yes- she then said she wanted to get a butterfly for Daddy and Mommy and didn’t add herself until we were in the store for a few minutes. So we ended up getting 4 red roses one for Daddy, Mommy, Kaitlyn and Aunt MO. She was pretty pleased with herself and gave them to everyone.
She also daily gets me presents of wood chips or sand on the play ground- I can’t lie and say I wish it weren’t always red roses but it is something to go in to pick her up at day care and have her run to get me twigs and wood chips proudly saying she has a present for me. BTW no one else gets these presents but me, if someone else picks her up she brings them home and gives them to me when I get home from work.

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