Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Tired

I'm tired and I'd say life has been beating up on me the past few weeks but really I have a nice life even during hard times so it could be worse. I find there are several joys and challenges with being a working mom. But there seems to be 4 scenarios that you live with regularly from utopia to crapopia
1. Both work and life with kids is going grand -everyone is healthy and happy and work is flowing swimmingly (I am sure this scenario exists but it may be one of those idealized impossible things to realize)

2. Kids are sick or acting out and work it going fine.

3. Kids are well and sweet and work sucks.

4. Kid are sick and work sucks (If 1 never happens this one happens way too often)

I spend most of my life on #2 or #3 you can alter to that you are either crazy busy in one place or another too. But I went through from November-January where Owen had a chronic ear infection that wouldn't clear up while I was busy writing a grant. I still count it as #2 but it was challenging.

Now I have been busy at work and it seems like anything that can go wrong does go wrong. I feel disheartened and disillusioned but these are normal periods in any researchers career. What is nice is that the kids are healthy and well and tend to cheer me up quite a bit but they are young children so Kaitlyn was up last night and I am tired this a.m.- I don't think it is from her being up just as much as the very building I work in right now makes me tired. But better days are ahead- and soon work will be going well and I will be transporting back and forth to doctor's offices and so on-what can you do but kick yourself that you are taking time out to bitch and moan. Living the dream here- living the dream


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