Never say Never

I think when you get to the point when you buy a minivan there is really no more denying where you are in life. The funny thing is the progression. I went from "I"ll never get a minivan" as a married child free person and I was so brazen as to say never an SUV either. Then when I was pregnant with my first we bought a CRV - which I quickly loved. But never would we need anything bigger. Then after we had baby girl slowly the thoughts started- maybe it wouldn't be too bad - a necessary evil. After all there is just so much crap you need to bring with you.
Then pregnant with number 2 I told husband we should get one. But we didn't. Number 2 comes and try as we might- two car seats take up our whole back seat. If me, my husband, 2 kids and Aunt or anyone else wants to go somewhere it means two cars. So we look month ago. We decide no not yet but we resigned ourselves to the fact. Bigger SUV's just don't do it. All you single people and child free marrieds and even those with 1 kid are probably still saying never. Well if you have anymore and you stick with never then more power to you.
For me not only have I caved but I already am excited about our new purchase.
This takes me so far away from the person I was before I had kids that I am not sure that we would always know each other if we met.
But she is still there enough becasue as soon as these kids can drive I am getting some impractical non family friendly car that seats two or 3 in a pinch.
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