Wednesday, July 25, 2007


A while back I took Owen too see my friend in Alabama. While there he and I were having a blast sliding down this roller slide. Well he got quite comfortable with the process and decided to throw himself forward and in the process of trying to save him with a big bulk of a child moving all his bulk the opposite direction I intended to go- I saved him quite well but cut my knee up something fiece.

Owen was just facinated with this. He continually talked about my boo boo on my knee as did every other kid in playgroup. So he has taken too still to this day- bending down on one knee and kissing the boo boo on my leg.

The boy is beyond in love with me and still belives that even well above 30 lbs he should mostly be a Koala in my arms. On said trip he slept so much my friend actually nicknamed him Rip Van Winkle.

He also has always believed in the vital need to ennunciate each and every syllable. So it isn't ba for book- never was but always BOOK!!!! Not yah or yeah for Yes but YES! TRUCK- Etc. seriously I beleive he must have some german or other hard non romance language in him.

He has been quite terrified of the doctor due to recurent and nasty ear infections and waxy ears. Seriously for such a sweet boy his temper tantrums are quite legendary in our house. But today he went to the doctor and was an angel.

The doctor "So will we find Diego in you ear?"
Owen very seriously "Yes"
How about this ear is Boots in there
Owen thinks "No!"

This conversation can occur about anything
My friend took advantage of Owen's rather thoughtful and varied NO's and Yes's
"So Owen do youi think there will ever be World Peace"
Do you think that George Bush is a bad president
DO you think there is a conspiracy among gas companies to raise gas prices
"well that is where you and I part ways Owen"

He has a dog that is lovie item that i called rusty- he has become Ra Ra for everyone and like his sister all blankets are Mimi's - don't know why never will.
I was just told by his teacher that whenever he sees his sister across the playground at school they say is that your sister and he goes "No Mama: Mamam Mamam Mama- as if to say just wanted to let you know I want my mamam here.

He makes me laugh on a regular basis he is good with his hands and putting things togeher and may be one of the sweeter boys I have every met. But he is all boy and is tough as nails. he is getting bit regulalry at school which is a pain for all of us. But his reaction is to tackle the kid and often tackles kids at school- I shouldn't be proud of that but I am. What's more he is like the enforcer of his class- kids rarely touch Ra Ra and when they do he demands it back. If Ra Ra is lost he will call out and all the kids start looking for him. He can give as good if not better than he gets from his sister- because frankly she is a gentler soul than Owen.

So those are some of my fleeting memories of Owen and now I don't have enough time for Kaitlyn's but hopefully that will be coming soon- but if not well it is probably because like always she demanded I do something with her now rather then letting me capture memories. Though it makes me sad that a lot of this magic is lost forever - it is better to be with them and making memories than losing chances writting them down.


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