Hey I found this again
Well look at that- I created this and posted this when my daughter was 13 months old, now we have another baby on the way and the whole name of the blog is all wrong. Funny how that happens. I am not sure if I will ever get into electronic journaling when anyone on the whole web could find me an read my stuff but then again who really cares. And who really cares what I have to say for that matter.
OK pregnancy in general is a stressful worried time - some of it but it can also be joyful and happy. I have been visiting boards of people pregnant of about to get pregnant and in general sometimes I feel like they are really letting the worry and anxiety suck the joy from the very life the live and air we all breath so here is my list of things we just need to stop worrying about. A couple of items aren't for the faint of heart as I have long ago discovered there is little dignity in pregnancy.
1. If you are under 22 weeks pregnant and you don't feel your baby move for a couple of hours - calm down more then likely nothing is wrong, maybe you just forgot to focus 100% on your pregnancy for a change and lived life a little.
2. If you are thinking of having a baby in November 2006 there A. shouldn't be a bulletin board for you and even if there is don't post on it, you are months away from trying, enjoy what is going on now and have a little fun, there will be plenty of time to obsess about trying and being pregnant.
3. If you have increase vaginal discharge again before 30 weeks it is likely normal with pregnancy or a yeast infection but it is unlikely that your water has broken and you just don't realize it.
4. If people in your family want to love your unborn baby and buy him or her things - say thank you and be happy and certainly don't send them email telling them what they can and can't do. Some of us struggle to have family members even remember that we are pregnant. If you don't like what they buy regift it or sell it on ebay but say thank you and be done with it.
5. If your OB doesn't call you back within 5 minutes he or she is not a terrible doctor but rahter is handling 100 other calls for people worried about above items.
6. Have a birth plan, have fun with it but realize that parenthood is all about losing complete control over your life and birth if not pregnancy is your first big lesson in this.
7. Finally there are people out there that have tragic things happen to them and things go wrong with the pregnancies or birth and they handle it with a hell of a lot more grace then worrying endlessly about every weird symptom. Remember them and how blesses you are that things are going well for you.
OK so that is my soapbox and it is kind of nice to write mostly completely uncensored. Things that are OK to bitch about because I do
1. It is hot and it sucks to be hot and pregnant.
2. If your spouse isn't around that sucks and if you don't have a spouse or significant other or a lousy one and are pregnant that sucks worse. Because it is nice to have some help when you aren't feeling well.
3. It is hard to let people that aren't you or your husband take care of your baby at any age on a very regular basis but it can be so worth it.
Alright then. Now maybe at least that I remembered this stuff I can start signing people's blogs I comment on with my actual name.