Wednesday, September 28, 2005

To be fair

I gave my friend a hard time about not doing this so I'll do it myself, though I'll admit 20 things to do for yourself right now seems a daunting task. But hey B - I'll try

1. Take a bubble bath
2. Sleep in
3. Go to bed early
4. take a nap (I'm pregnant I can have more then one dedicated to sleep)
5. Get a pedicuee
6. Get a massage
7. Exercise
8. Chocolate - need I say more
9. Spend time/play with Kaitlyn - it really is fun
10. Watch TV with husband
11. Play cards with husband
12. Other quality time actiivty with husband ;)
13. Get sitter - go out to dinner and movies
14. Go away on mini vacation
15. Buy a new purse
16. play on computer
17. Play video games
18. Call friend
19. Get new shirts/pants
20. Play with dog

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another milestone

This may be an uh oh one but K has been sleeping in a toddler bed for about 3 weeks now -since Labor day. At first she didn't know she could get out, then she would get out and pound or cry by the door. Lately she learned how to open doors but like all new skills she has been working on perfecting it. So this morning I get woken up to the dog barking like hell that the construction guys are here - they are early but I'll take early over late any day for this project. So I am getting ready and K crys on and off which is her custom waking up in the morning - if you go in too early you are met with a cranky child she needs that time to wake up on her own. So I am eating some cereal and I hear a noise back by her room- She saunters out of her room as happy and proud of herself as anyone can be. I can't help but smile even though I know in my heart this will be the start of a new challenge btw us- keeping her in bed, I just can't help being happy that she is so big and independent. We get dressed and she happily puts her diaper in the garbage for me. I think a lot of her as an infant now with this new baby getting closer and closer to comming out and the difference is so startling. How did someone so helpless turn into such an independent, smart, and perfect little girl. I see less and less toddler everyday and more and more little kid, the baby she was is just a wonderful precious memory.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Construction begins

Well we have a date of beginning finally on renovating our porch into an office. They officially started this morning 9/21. He estimates it will take 2-4 weeks to complete. Even if the long estimate comes true it still should be done way before this baby boy is born. If due date and his estimate is true we will even have a month or so to set the nursery and office up. We'll see, I feel like in general he has been up front with me but like all things in life this has been delayed a good bit along the way. I just hope now that it is started it goes quickly or at the very least gets done in a month. It is really exciting though in general I have been dreading the whole process. It is funny how long it has taken we officialy started getting bids end or April early May and in reality it isn't a huge job. I know so very little about construction the whole process fascinates me. It was cool because I was telling S last night how little I knew and he knew a lot about it. His granpa was an engineer who did a big renovation on their house and S watched and helped with it. It was cool. Oh well I am excited about it and I am sure I will be frustrated from time to time in the next few weeks but I started hoping we would have it done by early September knowing that that gave me a couple of months wiggle room before baby boy joins us for all the unforseen things that make things take longer. So hopefully that was enough extra time and I won't be sleep deprived sitting around my house trying to nurse a newborn while they hammer finnishing this office.