my beautiful little girl
It is long overdue but it is hard to make the time. The things I would like to remember about this time with Kaitlyn. Almost every night when I put her to bed she begs for me to tell her stories- sometimes I actually make them up but often she gives me the basic plot and tells me to run with it. She is imaginative and I am always tickled at some point where her mind has gone. She now has this dress that has balloons all over it- it looks homemade and her Aunt bought it for her. I think if she could wear this dress everyday she would. It is hand washable but she will keep it absolutely spotless so it hasn't gotten a stain on it yet.
She often tells us out of the blue how she loves us. Out of nowhere- "mommy I love you" It never fails to melt my heart. Every morning she comes in and wants to snuggle with me before we get up to face the day. The other day I was out running and she was quite put out- Daddy offered but she told him to go away she would rather snuggle by herself. She comes in complaining that she doesn't want to go to school- we used to empathisize with her on this then realized we were adding to it - so I started saying the fun things she could do going to school. Her current favorite is to yell out what she hopes is for breakfast along with what her brother and the rest of us would like to eat. Just last week she came in crying - which always prompts me to go into the fun things that are school- so I stopped and said "you don't have to cry- you can just snuggle with me and ask me to tell you what is fun about school." Every since then she comes hops into bed and tells me "tell me what they will have for breakfast today at school"
She shares much better than most adults- she really has this pure giving heart that often makes me a little sad because I worry the world will take advantage of that. She has plenty of spunk though evidenced by this conversation this a.m.
Me "You had trouble sleeping last night"
Her "No, I just cried a little because He (meaning her daddy) sometimes doesn't do what i want him to do."
Fair enough
She is learning so much every day and for some reason I guess it is a growth spurt she has lost any baby/toddler that ever was in her. She also started testing limits big time- it has only been after we got a handle on this that I had enough time to realize that part of my incredible anger when she started misbehaving was that I resented no that isn't the right word but mourned that she wasn't at all my baby anymore. It is just one step on a road of adventures where she will pull away and I will have to adjust.
My heart really aches at how sweet smart and loving she is. Neither of these posts have done the real wonder of my children any justice but I hope they help jog my memory in times to come.
My favorite compliment of the week was a mother stopped at day care last night to tell me how cute my kids were-
yes Yes they are!