Monday, October 16, 2006

No kids allowed!

I have two children that I love dearly. I truly think they are the greatest things in the entire universe and I am truly the luckiest woman in the world because they are mine and I am lucky enough to be married to my husband. But not every place is the right place for them to be.

Most people know about message boards- well there is one where women post about their children typically I visit ones that are for the month my kids were born in. Today I find a post about a woman basically incensed because she is going to be matron of honor in a friends wedding and her friend just told her she doesn’t want kids at her wedding. She doesn’t want to leave her kids with her husband (god forbid) for the weekend or go to the wedding wihtou him and it is an out of town wedding so either she wants her friend to change her mind or she doesn’t want to go.

I think this is what makes people without kids crazy or one of the many. But the idea that you can’t leave your kids for a night or that now the whole world needs to revolve around you and your children is obnoxious. I can totally understand not wanting young children at your wedding we did that for our wedding. And this is a situation where it is not about you and your kids but rather her and her wedding. You are her matron of honor- suck it up and deal with it and let go. You may find you actually have fun away from hubby and little cherubs 1 and 2.

Little kids don’t belong at fancy weddings, fancy restaurants or other adult oriented things in which they would find life boring and adults are completely OK to not always want to coo at how cute our children are and their cute antics are- sometimes we want to watch a movie in peace, or eat dinner without your kids screaming and looking over our shoulder over the booth of the restaurant. We are not evil or unthinking baby haters that sit in dark room plotting ways to make the world a place where children are neither seen nor hear (Arrested Development). All mothers and fathers out there- the world does not revolve around you and your children. If you agreed to be in someone’s wedding then do what you promised and take care of your home responsibilities as needed. But give us all a break. On the other side- those of you without kids- humor your friends with kids –ask us how Jr. is doing even if you could care less, say the pictures are cute. How about we all promise to try to have more the one dimension and more then one way of looking at the world. There is a time and place for kids – so if you child free adult are horrendously stuck at Chucky chesses something I still shudder about or are going through a grocery store and my son gives you one of his 100 kilowatt smiles it doesn’t hurt to smile back and maybe even mutter that he is cute. If my three year old says “hi” to you – it won’t kill you to say hi back- after all you’d do that for any adult. I’ll in return keep my children out of movies that have a higher then G rating, fancy restaurants, kid free weddings, and when we eat out at a typical restaurant I’ll try hard to have my three year old not stand up and pull your hair over the booth or walk over to you at your table and otherwise annoy you and if my baby screams his guts out I will bring him out of the restaurant to try to calm him down- if he is back and screaming in the restaurant or store I promise it is only because I don’t have a choice and sometimes you just have to eat or need that gallon of milk and you know what- I promise my night will be worse then yours given that Jr is coming home with me in his or her mood from hell.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What kind of Mom are you?

I don't know about this but I like the way it sounds

Are You a Slacker Mom?

Your quiz results make you a Zen Mom

How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world.

Take this free personality test by Clicking Here>> or going to

Monday, October 02, 2006

The line between me and her

There are lots of philosophies about parenting - if you were to ask me mine I'd talk a long time but the basic premise would be I beleive my job is to help my kids grow up to be independent, self-sufficient happy adults that can get along in the world. It seems simple but a lot goes along with that- I use cry it out for them to learn how to sleep on their own- and if you ask me where I'd fall on an issue it would usually be for helping them learn to do things on their own- or so I think.

Kailtyn has been going to day care since she was 14 months old- so really very little more then a baby if at all more then a baby. I would take her into the class room and hug her and hand her off to her teahcer and then pretty much leave- see tough mom thinking if I hang around long it will just make it worse and have her cry more. I won't even go into what it was like listening to her cry as I walked through the building that first month- suffice to say pre mom hood I would have scoffed at my severe angst of that. I would have said something along the lines of "you know she is fine 5 minutes after you leave so what is the big deal."

Well for the most part to this day that is still our drop off routine. We have tweaked it some and reasoned together some so that many times there aren't tears but still typically she gets up in my arms, I pass her off, and she cries some as I walk away. On Thursady it started to occur to me that maybe something was up. Well some before then becuase SAHM who just started preschool many of them talk about how their preschool sare set up so you leave your child in line with other kids. I thought hmmm I still take her in, she still needs to go directly to a teacher's arms and there are still some tears. The teachers at her school have been kind enough to accomodate us. So anyway thursday comes and Kaitlyn goes running across the parking lot with me shouting out to be careful and wait for me and make sure no cars are comming. SHe trots as confidentially in through her room on to Owen's room while I carry him trailing behind. We drop Owen off, she walks confidentially through the door and suddenly turn with her sad voice asking "up Please" I pick her up she hugs me and starts to whimper, I find the teacher, hand her off, she cries a little and I go on my way.

Saturday we took her to her first friend's birthday party a friend from day care. At the end of the party - the girls mother who really was a very nice woman and i believe said this with no animosity tells me " I knew which one Kaitlyn was because she is the one who is always crying when you leave" That stopped me in my tracks. Me the one with the kid who still cries, our routine was so different from what the rest of the kids did that it was noticable. But I try to get my kids to be independent - how could this possibly be.

So I decided to use tough love with Kaitlyn and offer her rewards for walking in herself and going to her own seat or playing with the other kids rather then being dropped off directly to the teacher. I figued well we have been doing this for so long it will take a few weeks of shaping to get there (yes I am a Psychologist and yes the term is shaping and I am a nerd) Anyway, the time comes for her room and I have offered her a piece of graham cracker and a sticker for her chart if she does the drop off like I asked. She walks in as confident as anyone, walks to her chair and I go give her her cookie and hug her and tell her how proud I am and then realize I need to leave quickly before I cry.

How could this be- how could it be that it hasn't been her that has needed this routine but me. How can my heart feel so sad that I didn't hold her in my arms and hand her to someone else to hug on her and love her. I am not supposed to want her to be dependent on me I am supposed to be the one who pushes her to her next step, gently as she is ready.

I am never not surprised by what it is like to be a mother to your kids or how many times I make that mistake of not letting there be enough separation between us. Or forgetting that I don't feel like Kaitlyn feels anymore then she feels like I do. She is her own little person a fact I love and think I celebrate but sometimes when I see her do something and she shows not fear, timidity or need from me my heart skips a beat and just how fast this is all going by.