Aghhh medical professional
The title says it all. About a month ago Kaitlyn had severe gastroenteritis - she ended up after a ped appt in the ER to get IV fluids since she was pretty dehydrated. At the time they did blood work to rule our severe problems. She came back borderline anemic. Mind you her Hemoglobin was 11.7 which was borderline and her hematacrit was normal. The researcher in me says this is a null finding. She doesn't meet criteria on one scale, does barely on another and has been sick and not eating and vomitting for days. So he wants to give iron supplements because her red blood cells are small and she is borderline anemic - he states maybe with more blood volume the resutls would have come out lower.
Well I think I don't know if it is worth it. I doubt she is anemic and why fool with trying to get a toddler to take medicine that might constipate her, stain her teeth and otherwise cause problems if I don't need to. So we decide to up her iron in her diet. In the meantime my husband (a medical professional to be) takes her to the doctor for a cold she has. Doc asks about iron and basically tells us our plan won't work and we need to give the supplement. So he is now on board with the supplement. In his defense he finds an easy way for her to take it, she actually asks for her orange juice and medicine every day. So I am thinking hey when you are wrong you are wrong - supplementing wasn't so bad and better safe then sorry.
Fast forward to today - I take her in because said cold hasn't improved at all in 3 weeks time. We also recheck her iron. Nurse comes in and says it is 11.7 which is good no problem. I say do you want me to continue giving her the supplement. He seems dumbfounded - asks the doc who says give it to her for 3 more weeks. OK fine.
I tell hubby and he says how has that changed from last time. well I had the lab resutls from last timeso I look them up and what do you know but she was 11.7 last time. So I call saying - hey these numbers haven't changed at all. Here goes the conversation. _ first he starts off asking me questions and clearly has the wrong patient so I steer him to this isn't an antibiotic problem but a blood tests quetsion.
"Me asking am I right her levels were 11.7 today because if so then they haven't gone up any they have stayed the same"
Nurse "No they were 10.7 today - that is low - has she been sick"
Me "well she was sick and had borderline anemia which is why we were giving her iron supplement- her numbers 4 weeks ago were 11.7 - I thought today you said they were 11.7"
Nurse "Oh I am sorry I remember you - sorry I did two blood tests today - you are right her numbers were 11.7 today - which is normal - totally within the range of normal - we don't worry about 11.7 at all."
Me "Well I have her bloodwork and 4 weeks ago it was 11.7 which would show it hasn't changed at all.
Nurse "I think she was 10.7 last time and went up to 11.7."
Me "sighing and pulling hair out to myself - so you are saying her levels are fine now - and we should just keep giving it to her for another 3 weeks"
Nurse "that is right just to make sure she really builds up those iron stores"
I hate when people act like I am the one being stupid - I am like look you are clearly busy and trying to do too much at once. I on the other hand am only concerned with her. I got her old lab results - and am looking at the number 11.7. Last time I checked I could still tell the difference between an 11 and a 10.
I am so frustrated as I feel like this whole thing has been so stupid and unnecessary but in the realm of things the iron isn't hurting her- she loves taking it so what does it matter- it is $34 we're never getting back but for high quality attentive medical care who cares right!
Funny and this is docs office I have been impressed with and liked a lot. Shows you how you have to always be on your toes and an active medical consumer